Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dear Friend

Honest, I was going to go to sleep. Then I remembered that I had to let the world in on a little secret.

WATCH DEAR JACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know some of you may be saying that my use of exclamation points might be excessive, but then again, you clearly haven't watched this movie yet. I used this movie to cap off a two day movie marathon I had due to inclement weather. A perfect excuse to be a couch potato. I then subjected my mother to a string of bawl-worthy movies. For example: The Notebook, A League of Their Own and then A Walk to Remember. All really good movies. However nothing got to me like Dear Jack.

Now I know I'm a huge lover of Jack's Mannequin. And I could go on and on and on about how truly awesome the band is, and how you should check out there music right now, also, they are the nicest people on the face of this Earth, and if you really like them, you also like Something Corporate, and that my friend has a huge thing for Bobby Raw Anderson..... Ok I'm stopping. =) Honestly, I truly believe that anyone who likes music and/or a great documentary, will love this movie.

Note: I will use love to describe this movie. Not enjoy. If you enjoy this movie, you are a very sadistic person. Not that I'm judging or anything. This movie defines hope. I can't recall one moment where hope is not present. And that is why I adore this movie. Yes, it is about a musician's fight with leukemia, but through all the madness, it's a story of love and strength, and one again... hope. Some of it was actually taped by Andrew McMahon (lead singer of Jack's Mannequin and Something Corporate) on his own accord. It doesn't leave anything out. You see almost everything. Another perfectly, awesome reason why to watch this.

It's in limited release, but you can find it at various Barnes & Nobles or Borders. Or also in my own DVD library. I will gladly lend it to people, because that is how much I truly believe that everyone should see it. I was so overwhelmed by the whole movie that I had to let you guys know about it. Another great reason to watch it: some of the money goes to his foundation of the same name.

So let me know if you've seen it and/ or any thoughts. Or let me know about song suggestions. =) Shoutout to BRice and Chelsie: YOU'RE FAMOUS NOW!

Peace, Love (Hope) & God Bless

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