Thursday, October 15, 2009

Once upon a diabetic...

My very first post. Wow. It's daunting but exhilarating all at the same time. I guess the best way to start a diabetes blog would be to start with my story.

Flashback to the month leading up to January 2006. Picture me, a gawky 15 year old, sophomore in high school. I know it's difficult to imagine me all weird looking, but work with me! Still trying to find myself, I started experiencing some pretty weird stuff... even for a 15 year old.

I drank everything and anything. I mean I downed a two-liter of soda... in one sitting... by myself. As you can imagine, that also lead to another serious problem- I had to pee ALL the time. I was going at least every twenty minutes while I was at school. When you have classes with all the same kids, it starts looking really suspicious. I also dropped 15 lbs. in two weeks. I was really excited about that, being female, but I should have known that anything that amazing was too good to be true. My mom finally forced me to go to the doctors on January 16, 2006. I was immediately rushed to the hospital because my sugar level was immeasurable. I was admitted into the hospital that night with a blood sugar of 626 and severely dehydrated. [For all of you "normal" people out there, your blood sugar is suppose to be from 80-120.]

Strangely enough, I was never scared. Ok, maybe a little bit. But for some reason, I knew everything was going to be alright. I was less scared about the actual disease, but more about everything that came along with it. I immediately started shots. Many people ask how could I "shoot" myself up everyday, but I have a feeling everyone would do the same if put in my situation. A month later I started on the Cozmo pump, although now I'm on the One Touch Ping.

Sometimes when I look back at the day, I can't believe how vastly my life has changed. No one's the same person they were (almost) four years ago. But I can't see my life without diabetes. It makes me unique and I really embrace it. When I was searching to find out who I was, it's almost like this was my answer. I don't let diabetes define me, but it's such a humungeous part of my life. It has made me love and appreciate each day. I cherish all the wonderful gifts God has given me. I'm thankful for all the support of my family. Sure diabetes is a HUGE pain. GINORMOUS.

But I love it. Because it showed me that it's ok to be unique. I joke to my family that no one else is allowed to get diabetes because there's only room for one diabetic! I know it's insane, but if I had the choice between having diabetes and being normal, I think I'd choose diabetes. It's made me the crazy (awesome) person I am today.

But then again, it might just be the sugar talking.

Peace, Love & God Bless

P.S. If you'd like, leave your own "once upon a time" or any other things you'd like addressed!


  1. hey kristen!
    i appreciate the betes.



  2. Oh Brimley! How you give us diabetics bad names!

  3. Diabeetus beetus beetus beetus beetus beetus beetus

    :D *hugs*

  4. You'll be happy to know, I am once again a female... and not Wilfred Brimley


    that's all i have to say about this!


  6. He is so freaky! I'm going to have freakin' nightmares from that, nightmares I say!
