Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Always Gonna Be An Uphill Battle

"When it rains, it pours."

I feel like that phrase defines my life so much right now. My week started out like any other and than quickly nose-dived into oblivion shortly after. I had an important doctor's appointment this week, and, yet again, it was another dud. I mean how many "inconclusive" tests can you have before figuring out what's wrong. Seriously?

I'm also dealing with a bad sleeping problem. I can't tell if I'm not sleeping because of my nightmares, or my nightmares are because I'm not sleeping. It's almost as if my body attempts to get any sleep at all, it sabotages itself by plaguing me with nightmares. Very vivid, very scary nightmares. All include guns, and all include me getting shot. Not sure how to take this. Any dream interpreters out there? Or anyone know how to actually sleep? I think I've forgotten.

Luckily Emmaus is this weekend. It's the one thing that I am actually looking forward to. Unfortunately that's stressing me out in it's own way. Not only have I been feeling really terrible these past two days, I also still have a lot to do for it. I know it'll all get done, I'm just stressed about it. And to put the cherry on my theoretical cake, a family member passed away yesterday. It was really unexpected, when my family got the late night call last night. I'm just praying that the services don't interfere with my other obligations. The service obviously takes precedence over Emmaus, but I'm really needed there to help out. All in all, I just feel torn.

So this probably the last post for a while. I will be away all weekend and then I will be leaving for Florida next week. I hate to leave on such a sour note. So I won't. I know this sounds REALLY lame, but there has been one song that really helps get me through the day. "The Climb" is just one of those unbelievably uplifting songs. I just need to know that each thing I'm going through is what makes me, not what's on the other side. It's always popping up on the radio, just when I need it to, and I can relate to it so much. I also feel the need to say how thankful I am for my support system. I don't know how I'd do it without you. Wow, I feel a lot better after that.

If anyone thinks of it, much prayers will be needed this weekend for the team, the candidates, my family, everyone. So if you get a chance, just say a little prayer. It is much appreciated.

Peace, Love & God Bless. (I will miss you Aunt Ginnie. <3)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Happy World Diabetes Day!

Today, November 14th, is World Diabetes Day! In other words, everyone should go find a diabetic and hug them. Preferably trying not to hit the buttons on their insulin pump if they have one....

I feel like today is a holiday. And it's not even one of the holidays that makes you feel bad for being single. Double whammy! Today I will eat every sugary thing I can get my hands on and then chug a gallon of OJ and regular soda simultaneously. (Ok, maybe not chug, more like drink it through a straw.) Then I will not check my sugar all day and then not give myself any insulin. That will really be a huge FU to diabetes!

Alright, you caught me, I kid, I kid. That would actually be a TERRIBLE idea. Not to mention I'd have the hyperglycemic hangover of the century. Think of a drinking hangover, and then having to pee every five minutes on top of that. Yeah, that's exactly what it is like.

But seriously, I think this is a great way to spread the awareness. I read that 2.8% of the US adults don't even know they have it. I know that number sounds insignificant, but think of how many people already have diabetes, and how many people there really are in America. It is EXTREMELY simple to find out if you do. Just a simple finger prick can tell you, or a blood test, or even a urine test. Believe me, it's a lot better finding out you have diabetes sooner than later. The later part is what can really kill you. In honor of today, please bring awareness to this disease. There's no cure, but there's an awesome treatment. Knowledge is power!

I figure I would post some of the symptoms, but don't freak out if you have to pee all the time. I did before, and I still do now =). These are all general ones, and I had most of the symptoms listed.

Symptoms for all diabetics:
-Unquenchable thirst
-Extreme Hunger
-Frequent trips to the bathroom
-Losing weight without trying (I lost 15lbs. in two weeks)
-Weakness and Fatigue
-Numbness or Tingling in hands, feet or legs
-And sometimes T2's have no symptoms at all

Again, this is not the end-all-be-all of symptoms. But do me a favor, if you do have a lot of them, as least get checked out. You owe it to yourself, and really this disease is not unbearable. I hope that people at least realize that much from my blog. If you do find yourself with the disease, you will manage, and there's a whole lot of us out there. I'm always here to talk!

Today is a great way to appreciate those with diabetes and those with other life-altering illnesses, that are still waiting for a cure. (Little shout-out to my sister with Celiac's Disease- Love ya and hope you're having a gluten free day!) I hope & pray that a cure will be found for diabetes and all other life-altering illnesses. To all the diabetics out there: enjoy this day and try to remember the positives Diabetes might have done for your life! =)

Peace, Love & God Bless

Monday, November 9, 2009

Rolling my sleeves up

I feel like I have a lot to say today. Maybe it's the gorgeous weather that has inspired this sudden spark of interest today? Maybe it's just my brain on over-drive? Maybe it's even that medium fry I ordered earlier? Well, all the same, I've been inspired.

I recently read in article in the Parade magazine about Type 1 (T1) diabetes becoming more popular. Ok, sounds normal enough. Except, T1 diabetes hardly gets the publicity it deserves. Many "normals" can't even tell the difference between the two. Unfortunately, in the event that they think they do, they usually describe it as T1 is where the little kids get it and type two (T2) is the one only fat people get. Both of the descriptions are misleading.

Truth: T1 diabetes is mostly diagnosed in younger children. It was formerly known as "juvenile diabetes," however, older people are diagnosed with it. I was 15 when I was diagnosed with diabetes. I have even had people come up and ask me if I got diabetes because I ate too much. (How rude!) Elliott Yamin, who came in third place on American Idol, was 16 when he was diagnosed with diabetes. I've heard of others in their 20's, and rarely, but it does happen, even later in life. 5-10% of diabetics are T1's.

T1 diabetes is when your pancreas produces no insulin. This means that in order to live, a diabetic HAS to take insulin through shots or a pump. T1 diabetics can not solely use medications and diet to control their disease and there is no cure. It is irreversible. You have to have a genetic pre-disposition in order to get it but there is usually an environmental factor that sets that gene off.

Truth: T2 diabetes is also genetic but depends highly on environmental factors. Having a family history of T2 diabetics is a huge risk factor but only if there lifestyle is not healthy either. You know those people you envy for being able to eat as much crap as possible, not exercise, and still be stick-thin? Well that's not doing the person any favors. Eventually it does effect there body, and if they have a genetic pre-disposition to T2, they very well could develop it. The reason why T2 is most commonly diagnosed in over-weight people is because the extra weight makes there pancreas work extra hard. Therefore, their pancreas is not producing enough insulin. Not all T2's are overweight, which I also want to make clear. And not all overweight people have T2. T2 diabetics can reverse the disease is some cases if they change their lifestyle and follow a strict regimen. Most T2 diabetics are put on pills, and many take insulin too.

Note: There is a blood test to differentiate between the two types. (Side note: there is also gestational diabetes and pre-diabetes but I'm not getting into that now.)

So back to my original rant. I use to read every diabetic article I could find in magazines and newspapers, but almost all of the time it is about T2. Not that it's not important, because it is, but I can't help but be offended that T1 does not get much attention. Even magazines dedicated entirely to diabetes mostly concentrate on T2. But I also think that the media is not doing nearly enough to squash the myths that are floating around, either. A lot of things out there are very misleading for both parties. I've had many people come up to me and say just down right rude things because they just don't know or understand. Unfortunately it is also very difficult to disagree with them after they've read something. Yes, I can have this bag of chips, I am the one living with the disease... just saying!

Oh, I definitely had a lot to say today.

Peace, Love & God Bless

P.S. Apparently today is dblog day (Diabetes blog day). I found this out after I posted. I guess I really was inspired by something else today. Also, this Diabetes Awareness Month. Make sure your loved ones get tested and make sure to hug a diabetic!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Music Monday

I've done the research, I've done the listening, and I've done my bolus (Diabetes joke, anyone?) and it's that time to christen Music Monday. And the artist for today is..... drum roll please..... dear old Johnny Cash! (For all you tricksters out there, I know you're surprised. If you don't know what I'm talking about than that's ok too)

My favorite "Man in Black" was a member of the oh-so popular Diabetes club, until his death in 2003. He was a type 2 diabetic, who unfortunately died from the complications associated with diabetes. For those of you who have never heard his music: shame on you. Ok, not really, but you should definitely go listen to his music right now. He is an icon in his own right. I like to think of Johnny Cash as an excellent story teller, who just so happened to be able to put it to music so beautifully. Personally, I think he also has one of the most recognizable voices, hands-down. He's just truly a music icon and he truly deserves to be the first feature of "Music Monday."

I had a really hard time picking out song suggestions because they're are SO many. On itunes alone it lists 2284 songs!!! Here goes nothing:

1) Ring of Fire- Because let's face it: it's one of his most well-known songs but has an incredibly catchy tune.

2)Hurt- This is actually a Nine-Inch Nails cover, which I was introduced to while working on the show Columbinus. His version is truly haunting, and you can fully feel the pain in his voice with every word. It's a chilling song, but I adore it.

3) I Walk The Line- Another classic Cash song. "Yes, I'll admit that I'm a fool for you. Because you're mine, I walk the line"

4) Give My Love to Rose- An awesome story played out in a beautiful song.

5) Keep On the Sunny Side- I couldn't go without mentioning June Carter, now could I? It has an awesome message and features both June and Johnny. "Oh the storm and its fury broke today/ Crushing hopes that we cherish so dear/ The clouds and storm will in time pass away/The sun again will shine bright and clear"

If you'd like to learn more about Johnny Cash you can find an awesome write up on him here Also check out "Walk The Line" which is a biopic of his life.

Any other Johnny Cash songs you would've suggested? Any ideas for other Music Mondays? Leave comments and I'll be sure to get back to you. Also Halloween picture added for your enjoyment. Best full-length picture I have thus far.

Peace, Love & God Bless

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Rule #9: Never go anywhere without your knife!

Hope everyone had a fantabulous Halloween! I know I did. I had so much fun dressing up this year. Although the black hair spray was a complete and utter failure. I had to wash it out right away and it got everywhere. I'm still finding weird black patches on my body. Oh, well! It was surely an experience. It was really ironic because there was an NCIS marathon on, so anytime mine or Steff's character would come on we'd be like "Yay, that's me!" Believe me, it was cuter in person. Steff looked ravishing as Ziva. She even wore gun holsters and had a knife on her. (Rule #9: Never go anywhere without a knife!) It was pretty bad ass! I rocked the gothic chic look. It was uber-fun dressing gothic. Once I can figure out how to get the pictures on my mac there will be an update. Promise!

There were some awfully cute kids trick-or-treating last night. I love the little animal costumes like the chick or dog ones. There was one kid who was dressed as (I think) bat-woman who wouldn't come anywhere near the door because of one of the "adults" costumes. And it wouldn't be Halloween without lots of candy and treats either. I ate too much cupcakes and candy for a non-diabetic. In my defense, I didn't eat breakfast or dinner. Ok, yeah, I made up for it in cupcakes, but they were really scrumptious. I don't regret any one of them . =)

Not too much else going on. I think I'm going to try to start doing Music Monday posts featuring bands with diabetics. If anyone has any cool suggestions, feel free to post them in a comment.

Peace, Love & GodBless